How to Be Productive Every Day: Lessons from DO EPIC SHIT and Atomic Habits

Nikhil Dulam | నిఖిల్
3 min readMar 27, 2022


Hey everyone I’m currently diving into two amazing books: DO EPIC SHIT by Ankur Warikko and Atomic Habits by James Clear. These guys have shared some seriously insightful stuff, and I want to break down what resonated with me and how it can transform your productivity levels (and maybe even mine!). Plus, we’ll explore some cool tech tools to supercharge your journey.

Three things that reveal what truly matters to you:

1. Your first hour after waking up. What sets the tone for your day? Is it mind-numbing scrolling or proactive self-care?
2. Your last hour before sleep. Do you wind down with inspiring visualizations or mindless social media binges?
3. Your calendar. Does it reflect your aspirations, or is it a cluttered graveyard of forgotten dreams?

  1. Crafting a Productive Morning Ritual:
    Remember being a scrawny kid who couldn’t run ten minutes straight? I do! Fast forward, and now I’m a fitness enthusiast. The key? Consistency. My morning routine starts with exercise – running at dawn during undergrad, hitting the gym now. Dedicate at least an hour to your body, even if it’s just a brisk walk. Don’t overthink it, just show up and do it. Meditation is another game-changer. Take 15 minutes to tame your mind. Remember, control your mind, and you control your world. As Ankur says, "Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you stumble. Don’t complain. Stand tall, look to the future, and drive on." Fuel your mind with knowledge. Devour books, both material and spiritual. Write down your thoughts and daily plans. I’ve been journaling since 2012, and guess what? It’s the cornerstone of my blog! As Admiral William McRaven says, "If you want to change your life and maybe the world, start off by making your bed." Small steps, big impact.
  2. Mastering Your Evening Wind-Down:
    Ever questioned the value of your pre-sleep routine? I did, until this mind-blowing video. Now, visualization is my bedtime ritual. Picture your ideal future, and watch your motivation skyrocket. This practice helped me crush a major goal, and it can work for you too! Another tip: ditch the phone for at least an hour before you hit the hay. Charge it in another room, keep dumbbells within reach, and cuddle up with that special book (mine’s a dog-eared copy of Paulo Coelho). Don’t forget the sleep-inducing playlist – find tunes that soothe your soul.As James Clear puts it, "Set your life in such a manner that you can measure the progress. Even tiny improvements in your productivity will yield results over time."
  3. Conquering Your Calendar:
    Plan like a pro. Whether it's weekly, monthly, or yearly goals, get them out of your head and onto paper (or pixels). Notion is my go-to app for planning and organizing everything from daily tasks to my life journal. For recurring to-dos, TickTick reigns supreme.

And if you need a daily dose of inspiration, check out Ankur Warikko's Instagram. He's a productivity ninja with endless hacks and wisdom. Remember, "We have a hundred plans, but what others see is the one we are executing. Plans are plain without performance."

Tech Toolbox for Productivity Superpowers:

* Notion: Planning and organizing everything from daily tasks to life journals.
* TickTick: Managing recurring to-dos and building consistent habits.
* Ankur Warikko’s Instagram: Daily motivation and productivity hacks.

That's all for now, folks! Let's get out there, be epic, and crush our goals, one productive day at a time. Remember, consistency is key, so let's build positive habits and watch our lives transform. Feel free to share your own productivity tips and favorite tools in the comments below!

Stay focused, stay productive, and stay awesome!

~Nikhil Dulam

Originally published at on March 27, 2022.



Nikhil Dulam | నిఖిల్

Curiosity is my compass, experience my guide. I write to weave tales from the tapestry of life, from mundane moments to grand adventures, Let's learn together.